Saturday, 5 October 2013

Fun With Math

Fun With Math
Through these 6 sessions, I enjoyed playing a lot of fun Math activities. Indeed, Math is not about memorizing. Math is also not about tedious computation.
Generally, we solved the Math problems by listening to different methods, finding a pattern in the solutions and articulating our thinking (reflect critically).
Children not only need a lot of hands-on experiences. They also need opportunities and time to articulate their thinking.
Attached here is a counting game that you can play with the child. Have fun!

Make Shapes

Geoboard - “Make Shapes”

When children are able to recognise the shapes, they can try the following activity to reinforce the concept of shapes. They can also explore further by creating pictures with different shapes on the geoboard.

The following activity is called “Make Shapes”.
The child will be given a geoboard and some rubber bands. He or she has to use the rubber band to create many sizes of shapes on the geoboard.
After this experience, the child may explore futher by using the rubber bands and create a picture with different shapes.
Finally, the child can record down his or her creations using coloured pencils and papers for documentation.

Pattern Blocks

“Pattern Blocks”

In session 5, we were told to make different sizes of squares using the tangrams. After some trial and error, we managed to make 4 different sizes of squares.

We can also simplify this game for the children by asking the children to use shape blocks to make a pattern.

The following activity is called “Pattern Blocks”.

The child will be given shape blocks and a task card with a pattern drawn on it. He or she has to fill in the pattern using the shape blocks.

Through this activity, the child will be able to recognize different types of shapes, do matching and foster spatial awareness.